A Special Gift for Wesly's Memorial Garden

A few months after Wesly died we visited one of our friends, who is a tattoo artist and asked her to make a memorial for Wesly for us. Then, life got busy for both of us. She is now a mom and then of course COVID-19 hit even little Vermont. Now, I am thankful for that extra time, because I can now look at this wonderous gift with joy because over time, the grief has taken a second place to the joy of Wesly’s memories.

Yesterday she dropped off this beautiful memorial to place in his garden. The painting of him was such a striking resemblance to him I was taken back, I am just in awe of her talents. The guitar was real size, as she had traced a guitar that they had at home. It had real guitar tuning at the top, not just a painting. The wording and font was so beautiful too. The angel wings were hugging the right side,. The heart in the middle shining through was perfect.

And yes, I did have tears, but tears of joy. What a wonderful tribute to Wesly’s life. When I offered to pay, she said it was taken care of, by some young adults that knew Wesly in school. I know she had volunteered much of her time as well. Such a beautiful gift, for us to enjoy for many years to come.