We don't "move on" from grief. We move forward with it.

I watched this powerful video a friend shared with me, and I wanted to share with you too.

Although the situation is different, because the speaker Nora McInerny lost her husband, not her child, grief is grief.

She explained that although our friends and family and other people that we care about want us to be “fixed” and move on from our grief, we really can’t do that. We move forward with the grief, and carry the memories, good and bad not because we have to, but because we want to. The child we lost are part of us, will always be a part of us and that is why we our aim should be moving forward with the grief, and not moving on from grief. Our child, lives on, within us. Our child would want us to move forward, yet keep them close in our hearts.

Let me know what you think about the video too.