About Me


My husband and I lost our son Wesly  October 20, 2017; he had just turned 25 years old.  Wes had battled depression after two serious breakups and even though we tried to help him, it just wasn't enough.  The first few months after  his death, I was so angry with the the system, because we couldn't get him the help he needed.  He was our only child, our reason for being.    When he died, a part of us died too.  We were in shock, our lives were shaken to the core.  

Months later, I still cry daily and my heart still aches for Wesly, but I have made progress.  I'm not as angry with the system now, I'm trying to be part of a team in our small town in Vermont to help others with depression and suicidal thoughts.  This is a journey we must make, a transition to our "New Normal".  Everyone's time frame for healing is different, and that is okay. We just need to continue, one step at a time.  

-Michelle Warren