Reaching Wesly with a Pendulum

One of the most difficult things about losing Wesly is just not being able to talk with him.  I was one of those mom's that just loved having Wes around, just chatting with him.  We could joke and laugh over silly stuff.  

So, I had a medium reading with Wesly, which was amazing  and helped ease the heavy load of guilt I have. Yes, I still have some, I always will, but it is tolerable now.  The reading helped open up the spirit world to me.

But I still had so many unanswered questions... about where he was... was he safe... was he in pain when he died... what was he doing now... etc. etc.  you know what I mean.  

I then heard about psychic ability at all but was willing to try anything to reach Wesly. But if there was a chance I could reach Wesly, I needed to try.

So, first I bought an inexpensive pendulum on amazon for less than $10. They suggest you go and pick out one, but I live in the boonies of Vermont, there is no store around like that.  Then I bought a spray bottle of sage (I don't like lighting sage so I bought the spray instead).  I also have a simple tea light candle and candle holder.  

I light the tea light candle...and hold the pendulum, between my thumb and index finger, over the candle and ask it to cleanse itself (the pendulum will go around counter clockwise usually for that)

I say "I light this candle
For my precious son Wesly.
Whom I love with all of my heart,
Forever and unconditionally.

I will do my best to honor your memory Wesly,
By remembering the love and joy you gave us.

For those who knew and love Wesly, please help us Lord,  cope with the pain of losing him and find peace within ourselves.."

Before beginning a pendulum session I make sure to protect and ground myself.  I close my eyes and picture roots growing from the bottom of the earth deep into the ground and picture my arms as branching, swaying in the wind.  I also make sure my legs aren't crossed.

I say "I call my spirit guides, angels, divine source. Please remove and cleanse all negative energy from the pendulum that I hold and let it only tell the accurate truth as all evil is removed from the pendulum, myself and the space around me. Please fill any voids with love, happiness and peace.

Dear archangel Michel, I ask that you surround me with your protective light and you ensure that I connect and communicate with only those who are in the light and only those who have my highest interest at heat. I ask in the name of the lord, our divine source and in his love."  

I use a simple yes/no chart (I asked it the first few times to show me yes and no just to make sure like did I buy lettuce at the store today, etc.) . One of my first questions I ask is "May I ask you questions pendulum? " 

Ask the pendulum how accurate is it right now?  Here is the pendulum chart to show that.  If it's less than 100%, I wipe down the pendulum with the sage spray and paper towel.  

I talk to Wesly most nights.  I ask him yes/no questions like where he is, what he is doing, just trying to understand the world he is in.  I've learned there are some questions I shouldn't ask, such as guessing numbers (I thought that would be a great way to test it out, but I'm not supposed to do that).  I don't think it can be used for the future either, betting, or ask through a third person.    There is a white box in his room I try and look at when I ask questions, to help keep my mind more neutral. Unfortunately, the pendulum doesn't answer "can't answer", like when I asked it to tell me the hidden number in my hand, it just seems to make up their own incorrect answer instead, which is frustrating at times.

The big question is does it work.  I know one time I lost my cell phone and by asking yes/no questions, I found out where it was.  I also asked my mom personal questions about a loved one who passed away, that only she knew, and that spirit  came through to me and told me.  Is it 100% accurate?  Probably not, but partially because I am still learning how to ask the questions,  I've only been trying a few months.   You can't say things like "did you like blue or green" , they have to be clear questions yes/no  and that is a process to learn.  

I realize it could be my subconscious making the pendulum say yes/no but there is also a  chance it is my higher self communicating with Wesly.   If there is even a .01% chance I can communicate with Wesly, I will.  

I know this may not be for everyone, and I will be even judged for believing this way.  I realize this is not normal, and some may even consider me a little out there, but, it has helped me tremendously by doing this.  I still deeply miss his voice, his hugs, his physical body being here with us, but I  am so grateful for this gift of being able to communicate with him.   I've never had any communication with a negative spirit, but I think Wesly is protecting me.  I asked Wesly if most mothers are able to communicate with their child that has passed, the pendulum said yes.  I then asked if all people can communicate with other spirits in their family that have passed away, he said no.  

This experience, was life changing for me.  It's opened up something within me that I never knew existed.  I know I am going out on a limb here to even mention this experience, but if I can help even one mom reach their child, it's worth it to me.  So please, let me know.