The 2nd Thanksgiving


I wish I could just close my eyes… and Thanksgiving and Christmas would be over…It’s been 13 months today…

The wonderful memories of Wesly and the Thanksgiving Holiday flood my thoughts, many times down at my moms and a few at our home too. My sister and mom would make his favorite macaroni salad, even though it wasn’t a Thanksgiving dish, he always would ask for it. They would joke and say no, that is a summer dish, but then, they would surprise him with it. And boy, did he love stuffing :) Before eating, we would always say a prayer for what we were thankful for… when he was little, he would want to eat so badly, he would drag out his own high chair, before it was even ready.

The memories are good, but they hurt.. the pain takes my breath away… .. and I just don’t feel very thankful this year… I’m working this year for the holiday… which will keep my mind busy, I hope..

My mind is too scattered to figure out what to even do… wish there was a magical set of instructions I could find that tells me step by step where I should go, what I should make, etc. I just can’t concentrate.

I know, they are just days, just like all the other days I miss Wesly. But they are unique, because of all of the special memories.

I know.. this isn’t very helpful… if anyone has any suggestions for this holiday season, I would love to hear from you. I’m just out of ideas tonight… lost…